Monday, April 13, 2009

Understanding FAIL

Posted at CARM on April 13th, 2009. Creationist: Shep

Original Comment by Shep: Evolution basically equals aborting and killing babies.

Evolution = abortion?

Get real shep.

Shep's Reply:
I am being real. Evolution not only promotes abortion, it supports it.
--Evolution goes much deeper than you would expect. If you delve into the heart of evolution, you will find a lie as the underlying cause of it. And we know where all lies originate...from the father of all lies, the devil himself.

--Evolution is much, much worse that what some of you nonchalantly hold it up to be.

Riiiiight. Why is everything that doesn't back up Young Earth Creationists centered around the devil? It is like the layers of the Earth?

The devil is the core, Evolutionary scientists that don't factor in God are the Mantle, Theistic Evolutionists are the Asthenosphere, and YEC's are the crust?



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