Friday, April 17, 2009

Cloud FAIL

Posted at CARM on April 17th, 2009. Creationist: Dr. K (again I know...but he's such a fount of....something I'm sure).

Original Comment (made by me):
Volcanoes emit more water vapor than anything else (well...except for lava). It's easy to see that on a planet as volatile as one where the processes are still kicking into high gear, vulcanism would contribute a lot of water.

Non-Creationist post:
If I was on the ball I'd be asking how volcanoes that are not near the sea could actually put their vapor into the nearest mass of water. And I'd be asking why the vapor doesn't eVAPORate.

Wow. Does your brain hurt after that one? Mine did. Why don't clouds evaporate!


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