Thursday, April 23, 2009

Genome FAIL

Posted at CARM on April 23rd, 2009. Creationist: Sport

Original comment:
The cat base pair sequence is different than that of humans, as are those of the kangaroo and mouse. Hence, they are not much the same, even though they may be the same genes and are perhaps in the same place on the chromosome. Saying otherwise is like looking at a lamborghini and a beat up, old pinto on blocks and saying that because they're both care, they're much the same.

On the other hand, your articles are also talking about positioning. So, if mine have nothing to do with the "core theory of evolution", neither does yours. The core theory of evolution to be very plain doesn't require the differences to be genetic either, merely heritable. If you don't like the genetics aspect of it, take it up with Mendel, not Darwin. Additionally, non-coding DNA would be important in any comparison.

Now, since you want to get down to the actual base pairs:
Humans, chromosome 1
Mouse, chromosome 1

When you get done, you'll see that there is a very significant amount of genetic difference.

Sport's Response:
show me.....and while you're at it, show me how it is that these sequences make "catness" as opposed to "humanness." science only, please.

What the hell is humanness? *sigh* Sport wouldn't know science if it bit him in the butt.



  1. Humanness is when scientists find stars and stuff in space... I think....

  2. Lol. How is you're humanness coming along? Getting it cleared up?

