Friday, April 10, 2009

Evolution FAIL

Posted at CARM on August 2 2008. Creationist: Scarlet

Scarlet's Original Post:
Why aren't there eyes in the back of my head? This would aid my survival since I could see enemy coming towards me from the rear. Yet we look at the animals and overwhelmingly they're blessed with eyes from our cretor yet none in the back of our heads.

I guess those animals which evolved eyes in the front and back of their heads got selected out... in preference of animals with eyes only in the front of their head. Yes that makes perfect sense. Go evolution!

and why not eyes on my knees so I can better see where I'm walking so I don't fall down holes or something

oh that alleged evolution process failed in that respect also




  1. I will forgo the obvious knee joke and say that if you had eyes on your knees you wouldn't be able to pray to you're 'god' as much;)Of course I don't think you'd be able to walk much either.

    And how did you get 2 extra eyes and I only got 1 eyebrow;)



  2. LMAO! Eyes on your knees to see that you don't fall. ppft. Retarded, that comment was.

    I got extra forehead eyes because I thought about it enough and evolution let me grow it. lol

