Thursday, April 7, 2011

Religion 101

Posted at CARM on April 6th, 2011. Creationist: Dakotat5/Sinsanri

As far as I know, NASA and science has not yet rejected the possibility that life may have evolved on Mars in earlier times, when it had more water and probably more atmosphere. Do you have some inside knowledge?

Life on other planets in our solar system may also be possible, but perhaps not probable. The evidence for planets around other stars is growing, but we do not yet have technology to detect earth-sized planets at about the right distance from their sum to support earth-like life. Again, what makes you so certain of your conclusion?

Who cares? If it doesn't agree with the Bible then it is wrong.

And that is the true mentality of Creationists. If it doesn't agree with the Bible, then it's wrong. Like heliocentricism, deep time, and six-legged grasshoppers.


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