Thursday, September 3, 2009

Anthropology FAIL

Posted at CARM on Sept 3rd, 2009. Creationist: Flare.

Once again, another classic response to the"If dinosaurs lived with humans" thread.

Humans would be among the last to die there for they would be exposed to scavengers after the flood their bodies would rot and their bones would become scattered. A large number would sink to the bottom of the newly formed oceans deep lakes etc. Then the ones that remain on land where ice sheets came through during THE ice age would simply be ground to dust by the ice sheets.

It is not hard to understand why we have so few human fossils those we do have some that have been given other names such as cro magnon and neanderthal to name just 2.

Uh huh. Someone didn't tell her that Homo neanderthalensis is NOT related to us.

So to answer you question there's very good reasons why dino bones and human bones are not found together typically. Humans are smarter than dinos we would do all we could to survive using our intellect grabbing hold of logs and trying to survive swimming etc. Most dinos would not be good swimmers or smart enough to hold on or just not capable of holding on. They would die fast and sink earlier than humans. Im sure some humans were buried with dinos early on and we just have not found them yet.

No. Those are NOT good reasons. The best reason why you don't find human bones in the same layers of sedimentary rocks as dinosaur bones, is perhaps because HUMANS DIDN'T LIVE WITH DINOSAURS?!


1 comment:

  1. Actually, homo neanderthalensis IS related to us which is indicated by the species name "homo", the family is only different "neanderthalensis". Individuals from both families lived together for some time and could maybe even mate and produce offsprings (very few). That is a hypotheses, but not a theory though. ... At least that is what I remember I read. Homo neanderthalensis went extinct only 24000-30000 years ago
