Vesuvius was within recorded history. Fair game for anything within recorded history.
So that means you have to stop at 3000 BC and no further. Oddly, 3000 BC stops you in Mesopotamia - the cradle of civilization - where all forms of culture magically exploded in a flash of human history.
How exactly do you think the volcano formed in the first place?
Also, cradle of civilization my ***. Go tell that to the Chinese.
the Chinese have a foreshortened history of the world. Let's see, what year is is it on the Chinese calendar? 4+ billion? I don't think so.
The Chinese had that whole civilization bit done well before anyone did in the middle-east.
2009 marks year 4707 of the Chinese new year, putting their civilization in the 2700 BC range - but the city of Ebla (middle east, Circa 3200 BC) has them beat by half a millennia
more unfortunately for you - lists found in the 170,000-tablet library at Ebla list the same cities of the plain as found in Genesis, including Sodom and Gomorrah as trading partners.
Alas, and alas for you.
Geeze. Ignorant of how volcanoes form AND human history! And he's a public high school science teacher!